
Climate change – A call to awareness..

Like most of us, I am concerned with the consequences of climate changes to our environment, yet the data and information and conflicts associated often overwhelm me. I am not a climatologist, I am not a scientist, and the masses of conflicting information propagated by experts and even politicians goes far beyond my capabilities to absorb. One could spend a lifetime reading about these consequences and yet achieve nothing. And this is precisely the point, this seems to be the heart of the problem – foresight without commitment to action?

What seems to be required is a mass awareness to provoke change? According to many experts we cannot afford to wait and dither, and according to some it is even too late to rectify past liberties taken with our planet. Yet I feel that although both sides of this argument do have weight, and that either side may be more or less correct than the other, the problem still lies in motivation for all of us, and that this key to motivation must firstly begin with awareness. It must begin by thinking about the consequences of non-action, and the consequences of the dithering of political policies and of the need for cultural change.

I have decided to dedicate this section of the blog to this contemplation for change. A change guided not only towards an ethical philosophy regarding the preservation of our planet and environment, but also of our personal responsibilities to pursue these changes. The Internet is a powerful tool of mass communication and connectedness, and for the most part it is free. I believe it is an ideal opportunity to encourage mass awareness of the need for change using this tool, and that this is a tool that we can all use to spread awareness. The details and content of articles and topics and environmental data are irrelevant, what is important is the underlying message of awareness and call for change.

Are you with me? If so then let us all do our part to learn from each other and to spread awareness, and to help guide the political and corporate policy changes where we can. Governments and politicians will not act alone, corporations and oil companies will not act alone. It will be up to all of us to act and to pursue a cultural change, and this begins firstly by spreading mass awareness of the issues and the consequences if we do nothing?

Hopefully this activity will eventually create a wave of consciousness awareness around the Internet and globe concerning environmental issues, and help guide the policy changes we need to limit further damage to our planet?

“What if…The internet was flooded with connectedness content that simply could not be ignored or disregarded? Would this kind of activity force mass awareness and political policy?”

How can we encourage change in policy and decision making?
See here…Climate change – A call to awareness..

Thank you for reading.


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