More climate squabbles from academia

Yet more conflicting opinions regarding climate change from the academia this week. And this week it was not originating from the US or Europe, yet from our own shores, and from that venerable institution, the Royal Society!

This latest debacle, whilst yet maybe still of great importance, does little to instil a sense of unity and direction towards fundamental acceptance of our climate problems and global warming issues. And does still yet add to the confusions over the realities and acceptance of climate change.

These types of conflicts which are reported almost on a daily basis now throughout the media are becoming more than a little tedious, and it is no wonder that the public in general are becoming more and more apathetic and dispassionate towards the key issues. Let’s face it, if the experts cannot agree or even squabble over details, then it is no wonder that confusions and procrastination’s stifle real political and policy progress.

Although it is not yet clear as to what the critique is all about, and many details are not yet forthcoming, it has already provoked a marked response from Prof. John Beddington. And has also prompted further comment from the widely respected scientist and Astronomer Royal and Society president himself, Sir Martin Rees.. (see below).

Royal Society UK

“The government’s chief scientific adviser has hit out at climate sceptics who attack global warming science on spurious grounds.”

“His comments came as the Royal Society announced that it would publish a new guide to climate science for the public following criticism of existing statements on the topic, reportedly from 43 of the society’s 1,489 fellows.”

“It has been suggested that the society holds the view that anyone challenging the consensus on climate change is malicious – this is ridiculous,” said Professor Martin Rees, the society’s president.”

Read more here..

“So it is ironic that just as the leading scientists in the US give their clearest warning about climate change, we now see suggestions that some fellows of UK’s national academy of science, the Royal Society, might be disputing the evidence.”

“And because their identities have not been made public, we do not know whether any of them are climate researchers.”

“The Royal Society is carrying out a review of its statements on climate change in response to the fellows’ letter. It will no doubt prefer to remain silent until the review is completed.”

Read more here..

Prof. Beddington has spoken out previously on the IPCC’s controversial claims from its 2007 report on the melting of the Himalayan glaciers. He has frequently called for honesty and transparency in light of the dissemination of scientific data, and for the practice of scrutiny and scepticism to overcome speculation over global warming issues and conflicting data.

“Certain unqualified statements have been unfortunate. We have a problem in communicating uncertainty. There’s definitely an issue there. If there wasn’t, there wouldn’t be the level of scepticism. All of these predictions have to be caveated by saying, ‘There’s a level of uncertainty about that’.”

“It’s unchallengeable that CO2 traps heat and warms the Earth and that burning fossil fuels shoves billions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. But where you can get challenges is on the speed of change.”

Read more here..

Yet Prof. Beddington himself is not without his controversial claims. Here is an article from March 2009, which paints a rather dismal picture of the future, and one that even James Lovelock would most likely advocate.

“A “perfect storm” of food shortages, scarce water and insufficient energy resources threaten to unleash public unrest, cross-border conflicts and mass migration as people flee from the worst-affected regions, the UK government’s chief scientist will warn tomorrow.”

“In a major speech to environmental groups and politicians, Professor John Beddington, who took up the position of chief scientific adviser last year, will say that the world is heading for major upheavals which are due to come to a head in 2030.”

“He will tell the government’s Sustainable Development UK conference in Westminster that the growing population and success in alleviating poverty in developing countries will trigger a surge in demand for food, water and energy over the next two decades, at a time when governments must also make major progress in combating climate change.”

Read more here..

Whilst we should be entirely open and transparent regarding climate change debate and its arguments, we need to show strength and unity, at least with regard to the acceptance of the problems facing our current excessive consumerism and carbon emissions. Arguing as to whether global warming is an issue that affects us all sooner or later is irrelevant. What we need is clear policy changes and we need them now.

Only public awareness and involvement can steer cultural change away from over consumption and excessive carbon emissions. Only global incitement, and guided to the demand for policy changes can help us all aim towards the changes in culture and philosophy that we need to halt further damage to our planet.

This is not militancy it is purely common sense. It is senseless to carry on the way we are, with complacency and procrastination and the squabble over details. There should be a clear and continuous message promoted throughout the scientific and political community that the problems that we face are real, and that we need to act now!

Please aim to lower your personal consumption in all areas, food, wine and plenty by at least 10% or more if you can. It will help us all and in every nation.

About CygnusX1
"You are neither earth, water, fire, air or even ether. For liberation know yourself as consisting of consciousness, the witness of these".

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